ARGENTTOURS is one of Turkey’s most prestigious travel organizations,
a successor to the oldest travel agency in the world.
As one of Turkey’s most reliable Travel Agency, we specialize in both local and multinational corporate travel services including; meeting and conference planning, incentive program organizations and hotel reservations.
We are a destination management company designing tailor-made programs for incentive organizations, corporate and cultural meetings and congresses and for the more discerning individual traveler. We operate strongly in the tradition of referrals for our clientele and are definitely NOT an agency which wishes to be ¨¨every thing for everybody¨¨
As leading inbound tour operator we have established a special reputation with Turkey’s leading hotels from the opulent Ottoman palace-types to the charming and intimate restorations of 18th and 19th century inns. Our guide pool is without peer, beautifully educated men and women whose English is impeccable and who usually have very special abilities in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
Argenttours is more than pleased to offer you a discreet listing of past events and clients (with their approval) for your consideration.
Respectfully yours.
Eyup YILDIZ - Ayşegül ÇAVAŞ
Owner/Manager Co-owner
eyildiz@argenttours.com - acavas@argenttours.com
"Sincere thanks for their valuable help to Mr. Fred Poe, Mr. Joel Hoffman and Mr.Simon Kinnaird."